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Does android support languages other than JAVA?

+2 votes
Does android support languages other than JAVA?
posted Dec 15, 2015 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes

You can use Ruby via Rhodes, JavaScript via PhoneGap or Titanium Mobile, Scala via...well...Scala, C/C++ via the NDK, etc.

answer Dec 15, 2015 by Rajan Paswan
0 votes

Yes android support languages other then Java ( Just adding to what Rajan has answered and putting my answer in C/C++ context only)

Ideally the android app development is done in JAVA and XML. The event handling is done by JAVA and the UI is made using XML, which uses Android Studio or Eclipse along with android ADT plugin and android SDK. But in some cases these two are not enough and there are situations where you need the power of C programming for your app.

So you can use C as a development language. This is called as native development language in android world and the utility to compile this is Android NDK i.e android native development kit. The steps for this you can find easily on the website. you have to create a shared library using the NDK which is then called by your JAVA.

In the reverse case if you want to call your java functions from C i.e native. Then you need C++ language because with C alone you can't do that. This concept is called native eventing. The C++ will bind the C and java and act as a bridge for the function call.

Advantages: C/C++ using android NDK makes the performance faster...

answer Dec 16, 2015 by Kuldeep Apte
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textareaA.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable arg0) {

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