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C: I have one confusion in the following C program related to the string and character array.

+3 votes

int main()
    char ptr[]= {'a','b','c','0','e'};
    char str[]= "abc0e";
    printf("\nptr = %s\t len = %d\n",ptr, strlen(ptr));
    printf("\nstr = %s\t len = %d\n",str, strlen(str));
    return 0;

Output : ptr = abc0e len = 6
str = abc0e len = 5

Why the length for ptr is 6 ? Can someone please explain it ?

posted Dec 27, 2015 by Harshita

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2 Answers

0 votes

char ptr[]= {'a','b','c','0','e'};
in above declaration of ptr array.You are not giving '\0' character at last of ptr array so when you will print the length of ptr.You may got length of ptr 5 or other than 5.
But in below of str array declaration
char str[]= "abc0e";
the compiler adjust NULL character at the last of e element.So always you will get length of str array is 5.

answer Dec 27, 2015 by Rajan Paswan
0 votes

Both are giving the length as 5 see the codepad link of your program

However explanation provided by rajan is correct in one case of str compiler added the '\0' in the end of the string so valid pointer is str[0] - str[5] where as in case of ptr valid ptr is ptr[0] to ptr[4].

answer Dec 28, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
I have checked many compilers e.g. gnu c,turbo c,gnu c++ also.In all cases every compiler giving different different length of ptr array.So check the program on other compilers also.
Yes you are right, codepad may be different. In nutshell there is a difference in both :)
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