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install/configure Ubuntu server setup on Xeon hardware

+1 vote

Any suggestions on how I should install/configure Ubuntu server on the following hardware that I'm acquiring tomorrow?

Dual Xeon 2.0 GHz processors
5 x 146 GB SCSI Hot Swap Drives (10 Bays available and maybe filled in the near future)
1 Gb NIC

This machine will be used for various game servers (minecraft and the like) for my Son and his group of friends. It will also handle email/chat/ssh/file sharing as well.

I was thinking that maybe something like Proxmox first and then multiple virtual machines under that? I have zero experience with that but it will be fun to experiment.

posted Aug 23, 2013 by Satish Mishra

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4 Answers

+1 vote

I use Proxmox, but it installs Debian headless server. (No X11) You administrate your server from another machine that has a browser via local net. You might first wish to go to Turnkey Linux to look at all of the appliances that can be stock installed. Kinda like an apt-get repo on steroids. Then you can install KVM instances of any OS you want, and run your game servers from them. Me, I'm a complete VM idiot and I
figured out proxmox fairly easy.

answer Aug 24, 2013 by Dewang Chaudhary
+1 vote

I use xenserver since it became opensource. It's really good.

answer Aug 24, 2013 by Amit Parthsarthi
+1 vote

I tend to not use commercial solutions at all. For my servers I use xenserver since it became open source, while in my desktop I virtualize using virtualbox.

answer Aug 24, 2013 by Sonu Jindal
0 votes

I use VMWares ESXi myself.

answer Aug 26, 2013 by Majula Joshi
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