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Explain what is the role of profiler in MongoDB?

+2 votes
Explain what is the role of profiler in MongoDB?
posted Mar 13, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey

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1 Answer

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Lets first understand what is the meaning of profiler in general term?
A profiler produces a performance profile, i.e. how much time is being spent in the subtasks of the task you are profiling. 'perf' tool in unix is one such example which tells how much time is being spent in each of the particular system and applications etc etc.

Now lets see MongoDB profiler -
The MongoDB profiler is similar to profiler in general term, it gathers performance information about slow interactions with the database, and provides hints, such as available index choices.

Check the following link which explains how to use MongoDB profiler -

answer Mar 13, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
Thanks a lot for explanation ...
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