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Do we have any users of Php say 5.6 on a FreeBSD 10.3 system installed from ports?

+1 vote

Do we have any users of Php say 5.6 on a FreeBSD 10.3 system installed from ports?

If so, can you get in touch with me? I'm trying to install pear and not having much luck, getting an error about a missing peclcmd.php file and a zlib extension that make is complaining about but which is in my php install.

posted Apr 11, 2016 by anonymous

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I have installed php from ports on FreeBSD 10.1. I have had a problem compiling and installing from source in the past. It turned out that a file was miss named and caused a failure as a missing file.

You might make sure that the file is actually named correctly.

This may not be helpful but it is all I can offer.

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$ grep safe_mode /etc/php.ini | grep -i -v -e gid -e
exec -e allowed -e sql -e protected -e include

safe_mode = Off

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sql.safe_mode => Off => Off

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