During my study about the measurement and ANR, I have the question. Please help to let me get the proper answer.
[ Condition]
1. UE is in the connected state.
2. UE measures one PCI and reports it to eNB but it does not belong to NRT(Neighbor Relation Table) in eNB.
3. eNB sends rrcConnectionReconfigurationMessage to read CGI for that PCI.
4. UE should read MIB/SIB1 to report CGI info to eNB.
In Step 4), In some materials on the web, UE should use IDLE periods to get SIB1, which is configured as DRX config in rrcConectionReconfigurationMesage. Because Measurement Gap is too short to read MIB/SIB1 and it's only for the measurement purpose.
When UE is in the Connected State, How UE could use DRX configuration which is intended to use in IDLE state?
As my basic understanding, DRX configuration is to improve the battery life in idle mode.