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Html javascript code for screen capture?

+1 vote

I want the javascript API which could capture the screen of the client. Does anyone knows about it?

posted Apr 22, 2016 by Sahil Alipuria

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1 Answer

0 votes

Use HTML2canvas from the following link

answer Apr 22, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Assignment 2

var count;
// the number of value that you want to check if number or no
count=window.prompt("please enter value for count ");
var c;
window.alert("The Value Is Number ! ");
window.alert("SorrY . The Value is Not Number (NaN ) ");
c=window.prompt(" NOT NUMBER ! \n please enter value for count ");
c=window.prompt(" NEGATIVE NUMBER ! \n please enter value for count ");
window.alert("The Value Is Number ! ");
window.alert("SorrY . The Value is Not Number (NaN ) ");
c=window.prompt(" NOT NUMBER ! \n please enter value for count ");
window.alert(" POSITIVE NUMBER ");
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+2 votes

My project's UI using both HTML and applet.
when the javascript function "saveSessionAs()" that has the following statement, getting called from the HTML the popup window flickers.

value = window.showModalDialog(ContextPath  + "/jsp/choosepath_frames.jsp", args, "dialogHeight:"+dlg_height+"px;dialogWidth:550px;help:no;scroll:no;status:no");

while the same function called from the applet using the statement


Then its working fine. It does not flicker.

So my doubt is, why the same function's behaviour is different??
And how that can we fixed??
