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What is the maximum size of binary can be run on 32-bit operating system?

+1 vote

As far as I know, 32 bit operating system can point only 4 GB of memory, does it mean that maximum size of binary it can run on 32-bit operating system is 4 GB?

posted Jun 16, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Yes your impression is correct, 32-bit architecture is limited to addressing a maximum of 4 gigabytes of memory. Depending on the operating system, this number can be cut down even further due to reserved address space etc.

However with the use of the use of PAE (Physical Address Extension if supported by the processor) we can enable addressable memory to more then 4GB but it does not change the size available to a single process/binary i.e. 4GB.

answer Jun 16, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
Thank you, Sir,

So, Can we run binary with size 10 GB in 32 bit operating system?
No you cant, as I explained in the second part even with PAE you have a limit of 4GB.
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