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Diameter Result code 4999, can anyone tell me the implementation made/seen for this result code.

+1 vote
Diameter Result code 4999, can anyone tell me the implementation made/seen for this result code.
posted Jul 3, 2016 by Hiteshwar Thakur

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4xxx is transient failure case but as far as I remember 4999 is not defined. So in reality if anywhere its being used then it must be propitiatory implementation.

1 Answer

0 votes

Please follow this link , it's clearly states that result code 4014-4999 are unassigned. Refer Result-Code AVP Values (code 268) - Transient Failures in that link.

answer Jul 4, 2016 by Chinmoy Padhi
Thanks for the useful link.
I know it is one of the unassigned result codes that's why I have asked for the real time implementation.
As Salil said in comment that It could be proprietary.

I have got my answer.
For others: It can be mapped for timeout.
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CCR-initial and CCA-initial:
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 Multiple-Services-Credit-Control {
 Rating-Group = 42
 Requested-Service-Unit {

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 Result-Code = 2001 (success)
 Multiple-Services-Credit-Control {
 Rating-Group = 42
 Result-Code = 4012 (credit-limit-reached)
 Final-Unit-Indication {

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Result-Code = 2001 (success)
 Multiple-Services-Credit-Control {
 Rating-Group = 42
 Result-Code = 4012 (credit-limit-reached)
 Granted-Service-Unit {
 CC-Total-Octets = 0
 Final-Unit-Indication {

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