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What's is the difference between 802.11ac vs 802.11n?

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What's is the difference between 802.11ac vs 802.11n?
posted Sep 8, 2016 by Atindra Kumar Nath

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1 Answer

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I don't know the technical depth of these two wireless technologies, but 802.11ac is better than 802.11n in terms of access point capacity, throughput and range. 802.11ac works on beam forming towards AP client and provides better throughput while 802.11n does not have support of beam forming and it sends the signals with equal intensity in all the direction.
802.11ac supports up to 8 antennas and provides better throughput compare to 802.11n which supports up to 4*4 MIMO.

answer Sep 8, 2016 by Harshita
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