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what is the coverage area of 802.11p, eNB and a WiMAX node?

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what is the coverage area or you can say transmission range of WiFi (802.11p), eNB and a WiMAX node? Is there any difference in the area of three nodes?

posted Mar 22, 2017 by Shilpy Agrawal

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1 Answer

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Macro Enb will have coverage of MAX 45 to 55 Km, but wifi will not have same coverage area. WIFI is meant for small area like 30 to 50 meters.

answer Mar 22, 2017 by Jaganathan
Sir, but as far as i know, ideally LTE has less coverage area compare to WiMAX. You did not answer that. Kindly, if possible clear. What is Macro eNB :)  ??
I didn't know about WIMAX, Macro ENb means commercial ENB which we can see outside area. If you need ENB only within your home then you can use small cell which has hardly 100meter coverage.
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