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How to decide No of RBs required in UL or DL transmission ? What are the parameters should consider?

+1 vote
How to decide No of RBs required in UL or DL transmission ? What are the parameters should consider?
posted Sep 9, 2016 by Suchakravarthi Sripathi

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1 Answer

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Hi sripathi,

Say examble UE having 1500 bytes of data to send and UE reported cqi as 15 (coresponding MCS is 28 (corrsponding TBS for this mcs is 26)), then we can map TBS and required bytes with no of RB's . there is a correponding mapping is available in 3gpp spec
36.213 (

no of RB's required for this examble is 17 .. Max of 12576 bits w can send (1572 bytes).

answer Sep 12, 2016 by Jaganathan
Hi Jaganathan,

As per specification TB size can get by mapping I_tbs index and NO.of RBs.... But how can we decide Rbs required before mapping to get tb size?
Do reverse mapping sripathi, Say examble your requirement is 12000bits then you know 26 is tbs index , then you can search in the table which RBs and TBD will cross greater than or equal to 12000bits..
For example:

I_tbs = 26, TB_size = 75376, As per specification no of Rbs = 100 ... can you pls explain how it calculated .. how the no of Rbs = 100 derived ?
 Programetical wise :
Take two dimention array arr[Tbs][No.of.rbs] = store all values.  traverse it till array[Tb][J] >= required no of bits. once condition met J is the no of RBs.

Theoritical wise already you can refer the spec.
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