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Write a C program to convert date from 24 hrs format to 12 hrs format?

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Write a C program to convert date from 24 hrs format to 12 hrd format?
Ex: 23:10 = 11:10PM

posted Sep 27, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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include <stdio.h>

main ()

int tfhour;
int tfseconds;
int twhour;

    printf("Enter a 24-hour time (ex. 10:23): ");
    scanf("%d:%d", &tfhour, &tfseconds);

    if (tfseconds > 60 || tfseconds < 0)
        printf("Not a valid seconds time!\n");

    if (tfhour <= 12 && tfhour >= 0)
         printf("Equivalent 12-hour time: %d:%.2d AM\n", tfhour, tfseconds);

    else if (tfhour >= 13 && tfhour <= 24)
         twhour = (tfhour - 12);
         printf("Equivalent 12-hour time: %d:%d PM\n", twhour, tfseconds);

    printf("Not a valid hour!\n");


answer Oct 2, 2016 by Devendra Bohre