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Time type AVP's like revalidation time in CCA message what we mean by parameter UTC secs, how can we calculate UTC secs?

+2 votes
Time type AVP's like revalidation time in CCA message what we mean by parameter UTC secs, how can we calculate UTC secs?
posted Feb 10, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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I have basic understanding on Time related stuff. Every Unix system has epoch time in seconds that is number of elapsed seconds since 1 Jan 1900 GMT. Your machine or server adjusts time with different offsets (+ or - in seconds) based on the geography. If you have observed, to get the IST we add +5:30 on GMT time to get the correct time.

If your servers are located in different geographies and you are providing service at a particular location then you to have manipulate time accordingly. In Diameter protocol so many AVP are Time type and Time is represented in GMT/UTC.

There are numbers of online time converters are available.

answer Feb 15, 2017 by Harshita
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