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How can I list all indexes in a table in MYSQL?

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How can I list all indexes in a table in MYSQL?
posted Mar 28, 2017 by Deepa

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3 Answers

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To see the index for a specific table use SHOW INDEX:

SHOW INDEX FROM yourtable;

To see indexes for all tables within a specific schema you can use the STATISTICS table from INFORMATION_SCHEMA:

WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'your_schema';

Removing the where clause will show you all indexes in all schemas.

answer Mar 28, 2017 by Shivaranjini
0 votes

select * from mysql.statistics ;

answer Mar 29, 2017 by Aanchal Rastogi
0 votes

To see index of specific table you can use following query.

SHOW INDEX FROM tablename;
answer Nov 20, 2019 by Siddhi Patel
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