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C: Find out the length of the sequence of repeated elements in a array of integers?

+1 vote

Given a array of integers there is one that is repeated several time. How would you compute the length of the sequence of repeated elements.

posted May 30, 2017 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

int check_element(int str[],int curent_number,int index,int size)
    int counter = 0;
    int sequence=1; 

    while(counter != size)
        if(index == counter)

        if(counter != size)
            if (curent_number == str[counter])


    return sequence;

int main(void)
    int str[] = {2,1,3,4,5,6,1,66,66,96,7,77,28,22,1,29,1,90,98,1,92,1};
    int temp = 0,size;
    int i= 0;
    int sequence = 1;

    size = (sizeof(str) / sizeof(str[0]));

    while(i != size ) 
        sequence = check_element(str,str[i],i,size);

        if(sequence !=  1)
            printf(" number %d with repeating of %d times ",str[i],sequence);


    return 0;
answer Jul 5, 2017 by Leon Martinović
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