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Linux: What is the use of modprobe command in linux and when it becomes mandatory to use this command ?

0 votes
Linux: What is the use of modprobe command in linux and when it becomes mandatory to use this command ?
posted Sep 9, 2017 by Ganesh

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Modeprobe is nothibg but a tool to load dynamically your .ko(loadable module) into your Linux. With conpared to insmod, modprobe will load all the depedency modules. It is mandatory when you dnt know what and all modules are dependent.

answer Sep 28, 2017 by Naveen Kumar
Right , it s load all dépendances if you dont mentioned the name of the module
1/ list all module
  #lsmod | more
if you know your module name
2/#sudo modprob -a nameofyourmodule   /// dépendances if exist will be charged
by using Makefile
you can use modprob also for change a parameter of a module .
if you want to block a chargement of an module during the start up just go to
#/etc/modprob.d/blacklist.conf   //and add at the end  
blacklist moduledelinterfaceeth1 ////for exemple
and update
0 votes

Module charger for new plugging hardware or software.

answer Sep 9, 2017 by G.m
Thanks Magaye. Could you please share any example in which modprobe is used for hardware component ?
0 votes

Wi-Fi access point or USB key Wi-Fi for example.

answer Sep 16, 2017 by G.m
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