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What is Dependent and Independent Variable in machine learning?

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What is Dependent and Independent Variable in machine learning?
posted Dec 19, 2017 by Manish Tiwari

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1 Answer

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"Feature" and "independent variable" are different terms for the same thing. "Feature" is more common in machine learning, whereas "independent variable" is more common in statistics. So yes, in this case, TV is both a feature and an independent variable.

Some more mostly equivalent terms are "covariate", "predictor", and "regression input".

Independent variables (also referred to as Features) are the input for a process that is being analyzes. Dependent variables are the output of the process.

For example, in the below data set, the independent variables are the input of the purchasing process being analyzed. The result (whether a user purchased or not) is the dependent variable.

answer Dec 22, 2017 by Manikandan J