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How can child elements be specified upon using a sequence compositor?

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How can child elements be specified upon using a sequence compositor?
posted Jan 2, 2018 by Latha

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1 Answer

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When a sequence compositor is used the child elements can be specified in either of the two ways:

ref attribute : The ref attribute which will contain the value of the attribute which will be equal to the value of the name attribute in every child elements element declaration. This attribute should always refer to an actual element declaration.

For Example:

<xsd:element ref=”title”/>

name attribute : This attribute is used by specifying a value equal to the child elements name and with it the type attribute is specified as well. The type attribute would contain the user defined complex type.

For Example:

<xsd:element name=”book” type=”bookType”/>
answer Jan 2, 2018 by Shivaranjini