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What is min time taken to find kth smallest element in the merged sorted array of 3 sorted array?

+1 vote

Given 3 sorted array of size x, y, z. what is the minimum time taken to find the kth smallest element in the merged sorted array.

posted Oct 21, 2013 by Neeraj Mishra

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2 Answers

+2 votes

Complexity O(K).
Use merge concept.

answer Nov 8, 2013 by Vikas Upadhyay
0 votes

Have to traverse until met k diff numbers.
ex. 1111 2222 3333

merged **********

we need to loop for 9 counts.

There may alternate approach too.

answer Oct 22, 2013 by anonymous
I think this is worst case.
Although  k < (x+y+z)
The complexity will be O(x+y+z).
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