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Write a program that find all the pairs that add up to given number?

0 votes

Write a program which finds all pairs of elements in an array whose sum is equal to a given number

Input  array: [-2,1,3,5,6,7,8,10,12,15,17,19,20]
Sum : 20


6, 12
3, 15
1, 17
-2, 20
8, 10

Required best time complexity and effective code

posted Sep 27, 2020 by Atindra Kumar Nath

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1 Answer

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The easiest way can be the below solution whose time complexity is O(n^2). Might not recommended for large arrays.

static void getPairsEasy(int[] ar, int sum) {
        for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < ar.length; j++) {
                if (sum == ar[i] + ar[j])
                    System.out.println(ar[i] + "," + ar[j]);

The other solution could be below, whose time complexity is O(nLogn). Works only for sorted arrays.

    static void getPairsBinarySearch(int[] ar, int sum) { 
        int i=0, j = ar.length - 1;
                i++; j--;
            }else if(sum > ar[i]+ar[j]){
            }else if(sum < ar[i]+ar[j]){
answer Sep 28, 2020 by Tanay Hanuman Toor
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