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How to find if given binary tree is binary search tree?

+4 votes
How to find if given binary tree is binary search tree?
posted Oct 30, 2013 by Majula Joshi

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Do in order traversal if next element  is more then previous then its a Binary Search Tree.
Not fully sure. If in-order traversal of tree is ordered monotonically it should be binary search tree.
In order should give only sorted output for the BST.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Pseudo Code is something like this -

current = -infinite;

inorder(node, treeType)
   if node == null then return;

   inorder(node->left, treeType);
   if current >= node->data then treeType = "No BST"

   current = node-> data;
   inorder(node->right, treeType);

Call the function something like

inorder(head, "BST");
answer Oct 30, 2013 by Salil Agrawal