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ls-files -i & directories in git

0 votes

the gitignore rules work so that if a directory is ignored, all files in that directory are ignored. While that behavior isn't clearly documented in gitignore, this behavior is consistent across all git tools (status, ls-files, ...).

An exception is that listing the ignored files using "ls-files -i" doesn't behave the same way.

$ mkdir d
$ touch d/f
$ echo /d/ > .gitignore
$ git ls-files -o --exclude-standard
.gitignore #d/f is correctly not listed
$ git ls-files -i --exclude-standard
#no output

d/f isn't listed even though it is treated as an ignored file by all other git tools. That seems inconsistent to me. Is that behavior intentionally or is this a bug?

A very similar question was asked before:
but without an answer.

posted May 31, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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It is listed with "git ls-files -i -o --exclude-standard". The documentation says:

Show only ignored files in the output. When showing files in the index, print only those matched by an exclude pattern. When showing "other" files, show only those matched by an exclude pattern.

If you do this then it is shown:

$ git add -f d/f
$ git ls-files -i --exclude-standard

I think this is working as documented.

answer May 31, 2013 by anonymous
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