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How WiMax differs from LTE functionality wise ?

+3 votes
How WiMax differs from LTE functionality wise ?
posted Jan 30, 2014 by Harshita

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1 Answer

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Its a big topic but in summary -

  1. On the access network WiMax and LTE both are OFDMA but on the core its different.

  2. WiMax is complete new standard including new core network nodes, which means a lot of work to migrate and inter operate with older technologies. LTE also adds new nodes, but the natural progression is there and inter-operability is clearly defined even with non-3gpp access. Some of the protocols are defined as upgrades to earlier versions, the terminologies remain almost the same.

  3. None of the major telecom operators (read AT&T, Verizon, VodaFone etc...) are part of the WiMax forum. Where as LTE is driven by the operator.

  4. In summary if we say WiMax is a new standard where as LTE is a extension of UMTS with access as OFDMA.

See the following figures for the network architecture...

WiMax Architecture

LTE Architecture

answer Jan 30, 2014 by Luv Kumar
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