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J2EE(Java Enterprise Edition) Architecture

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J2EE (Java Enterprise Edition) follows the distributed multi-tiered application approach which means the entire application may not reside at a single location, but distributed. And the applications is divided into various tiers. J2ee application is composed of various components which can be created by the different developers and then assembled together. These components can be installed on different machines across various tiers. And the distribution of application components across the solely different tiers depends upon the functionality it performs.

JEE Architecture Diagram

Block Diagram Of J2EE Architecture

J2EE application tiers are as follows

Client Tier (Web Browser or any other kinds of clients)
Web tier
Business Tier
Enterprise Information tier (Database or sometimes XMLs or flatfiles)
Various JEE Components

Components are self contained piece of software that are reusable across applications and are configurable external to the source code.
J2EE components are of three types : client component, web component and business component. The client components interact with the user, the web components interact with the web browsers using the HTTP protocol, and the business components interact with the application server and execute the business logic.

Client component of JEE architecture
Client components is of two types : web client and application client.

A web client, generally a browser, sends a request to the server and renders the webpage sent back by the server. However, it may not perform any complex tasks such as querying a database or performing any complicated business tasks and hence is also referred to as thin client. The complex tasks are performed on the server. For displaying web pages with applets, the web clients may require Java plug-ins and security policy files for executing the applets.
An application client is a standalone application that doesn’t run in browsers. It can access components in the business tier directly. Note that web clients that require access to a servlet running in the Web tier can open an HTTP connection with the servlet.
Web component of JEE architecture
Web components for java are Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP). A servlet receives HTTP requests from the client, processes them, and returns the output. It can also generate dynamic responses. Similar to servlets, JSP also create dynamic web pages. JSP pages are converted into servlets and executed within a servlet container. They are used to display the results processed by a servlet.

Business component of JEE architecture
Business components implement the business logic or the functional process logic that defines the business rules and constraints. For example business process such as withdrawing amount from the bank. Business components are of three types : session beans, entity beans, and message-driven beans. Session beans represent a session with a client. Being a transient object, they lose their data on completion of the session. On the other hand, entity beans are persistent objects and so retain data even after the session. They represent a row of data in a database table. Message-driven beans are for receiving the receiving Java Message Service (JMS) messages asynchronously.

posted Mar 19, 2014 by Ashwini Miraj

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What is use for J2EE?

J2EE is a platform-independent, Java-centric environment from Sun for developing, building and deploying Web-based enterprise applications online. The J2EE platform consists of a set of services, APIs, and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications.

J2EE stands for Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition

J2EE platform supports a simplified, component-based development model, J2EE based on the Java programming language

J2EE Provides following benefits:

1)Complete Web Services Support
2)Faster Solutions delivery tome to market
3)Freedom of Choice
4)Simplified Connectivity

Advantage for J2EE

Simplified architecture and development
- component-based, labour division, dynamic assembly/deployment
Scalability to meet demand variations
- transaction support, DB connection pooling, load-balancing
Integration with existing information systems
- integration APIs for: DBs, mail, CORBA, messaging, directories
Choices of servers, tools, components
- server choices, tool (IDE) support, component market place
Flexible security model
- support a wide range of security requirements

Disadvantage for J2EE

1)Is not easy to use
2)Requires Experience and Reflection
3)Need More Innovative thinking

Video Tutorial for Introduction about J2EE
