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Hyperlink not created in comments section of bugzilla?

+1 vote

When I try to create a file link in "Comments" section, by typing file://, the link does not get created. It is shown as plain text.

But I am able to create hyperlinks using http://. What do I need to do to create file links using file:// ?

posted Apr 16, 2014 by Kiran

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1 Answer

+1 vote

I have found the solution which solves my purpose. Hope this helps somebody. Bugzilla now, does not create auto-link for protocols which are not in its list of safe protocols.

Since I was trying to link a file, the 'file' protocol needs to be added to the list of safe protocols. So, I added it to the list which is in the file 'Bugzilla/'.

Now, when I type 'file://', Bugzilla creates the auto-link.
(All this is done in the 'Comments' section).

answer Apr 18, 2014 by anonymous
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./ http://localhost
TEST-OK Webserver is running under group id in $webservergroup.
TEST-OK Got padlock picture.
TEST-FAILED Webserver is fetching rather than executing CGI files.
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