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Google Earth on Ubuntu 12.04 after switch from Windows-XP

0 votes

I have switched my laptop to Ubuntu 12.04 (14.04 was not out then) from Windows XP. Everything works great except for two things:

Google Earth does not recognize his on-board VGA adapter (Intel 945) as capable to manage 3D textures. and I cannot get his old Lexmark x2620 printer to work. Can anyone suggest some pointer.

posted May 24, 2014 by Rameshwar

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1 Answer

+1 vote

I used to have a lexmark printer and most don't work with Linux since there is not a single shred of support. HP printers have shown to be the most supported but some models don't have Linux support. If i remember correctly, there is a conference being held to create a driver that all printers can use to be recognized by Linux and have full functionality.

A petition usually works to get a manufacturer to offer support. Worth a shot.

answer May 24, 2014 by anonymous
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