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How can I load data from a text file into a table?

+1 vote
How can I load data from a text file into a table?
posted May 27, 2014 by Karamjeet Singh

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3 Answers

+1 vote


If you are referring to mysql table then you can use the LOAD INFILE sql command for loading data to table.

The data in text file can be in a csv format which is basically a comma separate format where each field in the record is separated by a comma.

answer May 28, 2014 by Shyam Purkayastha
0 votes

Using this Syntax ,Data can be loaded from a text file.
But for loading data correctly, 1) you need to delimit your data 2) Columns and data should be matched properly.

answer May 28, 2014 by Rahul Mahajan
0 votes

To load the text file pet.txt into the pet table, use this statement:

mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/datanew.txt' INTO TABLE datanew;

answer May 30, 2014 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay
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