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What is the difference between link based and probe based IPMP ?

+1 vote
What is the difference between link based and probe based IPMP ?
posted Jun 16, 2014 by Maninder Bath

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Probe-based IPMP
- in.mpathd daemon sends out ICMP probe messages on test address to one or more target systems on the same subnet.
- in.mpathd daemon determines the available target systems to probe dynamically. It uses a “all hosts” multicast ( address to determine the target systems to probe.
examples of target systems :
1. all default routes on same subnet.
2. all host routes on same subnet. (configured with “route -p add” command)
- All test addresses should be in the same subnet.

Link based IPMP
- The mpathd daemon uses the interface kernel driver to check the status of the interface.
- in.mpathd daemon observes the changes to IFF_RUNNING flag on the interface to determine failure.
- No test addresses required for failure detection.
- Enabled by default (if supported by the interface).
- One of the advantage of link based IPMP is it does not depend on external sources to send ICMP reply to ensure the link status and it also saves IP addresses as it is not require any test addresses for failure detection

answer Jun 17, 2014 by Anil Chaurasiya
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