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Swap value two variables without using third variable or +/- operator?

+2 votes

How can I wwap value two variables without using third variable or +/- operator?

posted Jul 4, 2014 by anonymous

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3 Answers

+2 votes

We can use the XOR.

x = x XOR y
y = x XOR y
x = x XOR y

answer Jul 4, 2014 by Prakash Singh
0 votes

Use bitwise XOR somethign like

 int x = 1, y = 2;

  x = x ^ y;  // x now becomes 3(0011)
  y = x ^ y;  // y becomes 2 (0010)
  x = x ^ y;  // x becomes 1 (0001)

Or use * and / operation

int x = 1, y = 20;

x = x * y;  // x now becomes 20
y = x / y;  // y becomes 1
x = x / y;  // x becomes 20
answer Jul 4, 2014 by Salil Agrawal
In case of 0 and other value your logic will fail dear
0 votes
#include <stdio.h>
void swap(int *xp, int *yp)
    *xp = *xp ^ *yp;
    *yp = *xp ^ *yp;
    *xp = *xp ^ *yp;

int main()
  int x = 10, y = 5;
  swap(&x, &y);
  printf("After swap(&x, &y): x = %d, y=%d", x, y);
  return 0;
answer Mar 10, 2016 by Ashish Kumar Khanna
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