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Recommended way to setup file-uploading, in a Webdav based share

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I have been using a running HTTPD-server, that serves files via WebDAV. These files are then easily downloadable to any machines, which have the IP-Address of my running HTTPD server :)
Now, I need to add the ability for clients to upload files to the same WebDAV directory/virtualhost.
Nothing fancy, just an additional, simple, vanilla "Upload file to server" feature (preferably via the browser itself).

What is the recommended way to do this?

(I ask this, because on some googling, I found quite a few ways in the literature
* HTML form + client-side-script
* HTML form + server-side-script, etc).

The only constraint that I have is that I intend to use the Apache HTTPD-server.
Thus, it will be nice to hear some opinions on what is the most simple, reliable, robust way to implement this feature.

posted Jul 1, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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webDAV is used mainly for its writable features. For just serving files, you do not need it.
So, if you use webDAV clients, you should already be all set. The webDAV clients should be able to write files on the server.
"This extension to the HTTP protocol allows creating, moving, copying, and deleting resources and collections on a remote web server."

answer Jul 2, 2013 by anonymous
I had already checked that the server-directory is writable, by uploading a file via a small client-side python utility :)

However, my query is regarding what is the most recommended way to achieve this? :)

In particular, is it possible to get the uploading done, using a web-browser as the only client-side utility? (as that will do away with any needs of deploying any "special" client-side utility).

On some googling, I find that invoking a PHP-based-server-side-script from a HTML "Upload"-Form might do the job, but I am not sure if using PHP with "httpd" is recommended, as "mod_dav" already seems to do the server-side job.

Just a few starting-pointers on how to accomplish an "exclusive server-side solution, using only a browser at the client" will be greatly helpful :) :)
So you do not need webDAV. Just use apache to serve files + php for uploads
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