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What is the difference between JDK and JVM ?

+3 votes
What is the difference between JDK and JVM ?
posted Nov 29, 2014 by Neeraj Mishra

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2 Answers

+1 vote

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) executes the Java programs bytecode (.class file), The bytecode is generated after the compilation of the program by the Java compiler.

The JDK (Java Development Kit) is used for developing java applications. The JDK includes JRE, set of API classes, Java compiler, Webstart and additional files needed to write Java applications.

answer Dec 5, 2014 by Manoj Seshu Durga Prasad Parchuri
0 votes

JDK means Java Development Kit which contains tools and programs needed to develop the Java programs, and JRE to run the programs. The tools include compiler (javac.exe), Java application launcher (java.exe), Appletviewer, etc… Compiler converts java code into byte code. Java application launcher opens a JRE, loads the class, and invokes its main method.


Now coming to JVM i.e. Java Virtual Machine, as I said when we compile a Java file, output is a ‘.class’ file which consists of Java byte codes which are understandable by JVM. Java Virtual Machine interprets the byte code into the machine code depending upon the underlying operating system and hardware combination.

answer Dec 5, 2014 by Salil Agrawal
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