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can help me to Discuss the approach where you will need to write the object's state to a textfile

+2 votes

Object Persistence as Non-Serializable
Assume that the Java programming languae does not have the serializable feature (or you want to mimic
the serializable feature manually).
Discuss the approach where you will need to write the object's state (the values of all member feilds of an
object) to a textfile.
State all possible cases where the manual approach will have pitfalls(at some instance, the manual
approach may either potentially fail or certainly will fail).

posted Dec 19, 2014 by As M Ob

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cant understand anything please ask to the point.
Assume that the Java programming languae does not have the serializable feature (or you want to mimic
the serializable feature manually).
Discuss the approach where you will need to write the object's state (the values of all member feilds of an
object) to a textfile.
State all possible cases where the manual approach will have pitfalls(at some instance, the manual
approach may either potentially fail or certainly will fail).

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Create two subclasses of the Account class, one for checking accounts, Checking, and one for saving accounts, Saving. These two subclasses cannot be extended any further. A checking account has overdraft limit, but a saving account doesn’t have an overdraft. A Saving account is an interest-bearing financial product, but checking accounts are not.

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Hints. To develop a nice, and easy to implement solution, try to write the above paragraph as functional and non-functional requirements. For example

Functional Requirements: Two types of accounts, checking and saving.
Non-Functional Requirements: as design constraint, e.g. these two accounts cannot be further extended.
After splitting each description of the project, most often, but not always, is to design and implement the functional objectives of the project (i.e. the functional requirements in this exercise). After this, implement the non-functional requirements, as additional constraints.

when Account class :
import java.util.Date;

public class Account {
int id ;
String name;
double balance;
double annualInterestRate ;
Date dateCreated ;

public Account()
    dateCreated = new Date(); 
public Account(int id , String name)
dateCreated = new Date();;;
public Account(int id , String name , double balance )
dateCreated = new Date();;;
public Account(int id, String name, double balance, double annualInterestRate)
dateCreated=new Date();;;
public void setID(int id1)
id=id1 ;
public int getID()
return id;
public void setANNUAL(double annual)
public double getANNUAL()
return annualInterestRate;
public void setNAME(String name1)
public String getNAME()
return name;
public void setBALANCE(double balance1)
balance = balance1;
public double getBALANCE()
return balance;
 double getMonthlyInterestRate()
    return balance/12;
public double withdraw(double amount )
     balance = this.balance - amount ;
     return balance ;

public double deposit(double amount )
     balance = this.balance + amount ;
     return balance ;

public boolean equals(Object other){

 if (other instanceof Account){

    if(other==null && this == null)
          return true;

             Account obj=(Account) other;

            if( && 
                return true;
                return false;
    else return false;


public String toString(){
return "Name : " + +
"\n" +"ID : " + +
"\n" +"Balance :" + this.balance +
"\n" +"DateCreated :" +this.dateCreated +
"\n" +"MonthlyInterestRate :" +this.getMonthlyInterestRate() ;



and the Test Class :
public class TestAccount {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Account account1 = new Account(740135 ,"Alma Mather" , 500 ) ; 
    Account account2 = new Account(32842 ,"Harley Hacker" ,4000  ) ;     
    Account account3 = new Account(224519 ,"Carl Cracker," , 1000 ) ; 
    // ACCOUNT 1
    // ACCOUNT 2
    // ACCOUNT 3




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Tip. You may use the the StringBuilder class to accumulate the remainders of the division into the result.

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