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How UE differentiates whether it is connected to Relay Node or DeNB?

+3 votes
How UE differentiates whether it is connected to Relay Node or DeNB?
posted Dec 22, 2014 by Gnanendra Reddy

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I believe you mean eNB and as far as I know, UE should not differentiates if it is connected to RN or eNB.
at Denb side there is a flag called rn indicator with help of this we know ue is connected to enb or denb like this any flag present at ue side?
Thanks for updating, looks to be resolved can I close this question?
rn indicator is used at denb side but i want to know at ue side how ue knows it is connected to denb or relaynode
UE and MME are transparent they don't know the presence of RN and should not know that's what I know.
