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Can we use storage class specifier for the function arguments or if there is a default storage for the same ?

+2 votes
Can we use storage class specifier for the function arguments or if there is a default storage for the same ?
posted Jan 23, 2015 by Chirag Jain

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I wrote and tested for integer values It works but for decimal values if was not working.

1 Answer

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Yes, of course we can use storage class specifier for the function.
By default function has an EXTERN storage class.

answer Jan 27, 2015 by Chirag Gangdev
For function we can use them but the question is, if we can use them for the function 'arguments' or not.
As far as i know, we can not specify storage class for the function argument.
by default the storage class of function argument is REGISTER.
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struct A{
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