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SSL Library Error with TLS enabled

+2 votes

I'm trying to set TLS protocol with the next parameter into the ssl.conf file:

 SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3 

but then my web application fails. I only can see next error in log file

[info] SSL library error 1 in handshake (server my.server:443, client xx.xx.xx.xx)
[info] SSL Library Error: 336027900 error:140760FC:SSL routines:func(118):reason(252)
[info] Connection to child 4 closed with abortive shutdown(server my.server:443, client xx.xx.xx.xx) 

I can`t see as well, into the customlog file, a "GET" that I can see when all protocols are enabled (no forcing TLS): - - [03/Feb/2015:09:30:47 0100] "GET /application/resources/css/template_v6.0.xsl HTTP/1.0" 200 28323  

Any help will be appreciated

posted Feb 3, 2015 by anonymous

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I've been off the list for a bit, getting ducks in a row here and everything.

I noticed a number of posts about SSL & TLS security settings lately and I wanted to point out that maintaining your SSL configurations is an on-going processes.

New exploits are discovered and released quite often, and often the fault lies with a cipher and not necessarily an overall SSL/TLS protocol.

So using a cipher list like "all except RC4" is probably not sufficient anymore. And what is secure may depend completely on the SSL/TLS software you use, be it OpenSSL or Java's built in SSL libraries.

For example, with OpenSSL, you should be using 1.0.1t or higher, and even then only TLS1.2 with a handful of ciphers. I'm not sure what the recommended options for java's libraries are at the moment. A really good, free tool is Qualys' SSL Labs server test tool located at: Run that against your implementation and follow its recommendations.

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Is it possible to speed up httpd ssl? In my tests serving a static file compared to lighttpd, lighttpd is about 7.5 times faster.

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cd /document/root
mkdir -p ram
mount -t tmpfs -osize=512M tmpfs ram/
cd ram
dd if=/dev/urandom of=file.bin

wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost/file.bin -O /dev/null

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SSLHonorCipherOrder on

apache httpd then does 18 MB/sec.

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to the same openssl libs.

I want to use apache httpd on a LAN with gbit speed, serving files, and using WebDAV. When using embedded ARM processor @ 1ghz apache httpd is doing about 4MB/sec.

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I am trying to refresh our web site with the latest version of apache. As part of the refresh I want to enforce SSL access to the site. I've setup SSL and the site mostly works with basic authentication, but I have errors when trying to download/view video files from the web site.

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AH01626: authorization result of Require group svsaccess: granted,
AH01626: authorization result of Require group svsaccess: denied (no authenticated user yet)

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The ssl cert on my apache server have expired. It is actually a server at work - a important one as well so I'm a bit stressed at the moment.

The cert is renewed and I have received the cert files. I'm now trying to install them but I can't get it to work.

I thought it was as simple as just copying the new crt file to the server and restart apache but apache start fails.

I see this in the log:

509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

Server: Apache 2.2.22 on Ubuntu 12.04. How does one install a renewed ssl cert? Do I need to create a new private key and ca-bundle? Please point me in the right direction.
