Is it possible to speed up httpd ssl? In my tests serving a static file compared to lighttpd, lighttpd is about 7.5 times faster.
I used a default httpd configuration and the way i did my test was:
cd /document/root
mkdir -p ram
mount -t tmpfs -osize=512M tmpfs ram/
cd ram
dd if=/dev/urandom of=file.bin
wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost/file.bin -O /dev/null
My test system here is linux 3.9.11 on Intel i5 760 @ 2.80GHz
lighttpd does about 135 MB/sec
apache httpd does 17.5 MB/sec
changing apache httpd.conf with:
SSLHonorCipherOrder on
apache httpd then does 18 MB/sec.
checking with google chrome, with default configurations, both lighttpd and apache httpd negotiate TLS 1.1. AES 256 The self signed certificate file apache httpd and lighttpd is identical. Both are linked
to the same openssl libs.
I want to use apache httpd on a LAN with gbit speed, serving files, and using WebDAV. When using embedded ARM processor @ 1ghz apache httpd is doing about 4MB/sec.
Any tips here? Is the apache httpd doing a lot of copies of the data from one buffer to another in the code that would be possible to optimize out?
I would prefer apache httpd, as the webdav compatibility is very good, vs lighttpd webdav is not fully implemented.