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Oracle: Why should I not commit after every record when updating a large table?

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Why should I not commit after every record when updating a large table Committing after every record does not hurt but its much efficient to commit after a batch of records like 5000 - 7000.

posted Feb 6, 2015 by Suchithra

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I would suggest that you set this range based on the size of your rollback segment.

answer Feb 9, 2015 by Arun Gowda
+1 vote
  1. Committing very frequently creates the error ORA-1555 (Snapshot too old)
  2. Also, every commit operation involves writing into the database file in harddisk, which is slow and takes up lot of processor cycles, which will result in slower performance of database engine.
answer Feb 7, 2015 by R.senthil