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Gx Rule Activation and Deactivation using Charging-Rule-Base AVP ?

+3 votes

If PCRF sends Charging-Rule-Base AVP for activation/deactivation of all rules inside the given rulebase in CCA , then is it possible that PCEF was able to activate/deactivate some rules in the rulebase and other rules activation/deactivation failed ?

posted Mar 5, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+2 votes

If PCRF is sending Charing-Rule-Base-Name then all the rules in the base name are part of one big subset.
If PGW is not able to install any of them, then it should not install any rule and should report to PCRF in Charging-Rule-Report that Charging-Rule-Base-Name is inactive.

Peeyush Sharma

answer Jul 15, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
if the Charing-Rule-Base-Name is having many rules,if any rule get deactivated or activated.Does PCEF will send charge rule report avp ?or in CCR-I only we need to ask ?
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