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How to determine the mobile operator in Windows Phone 8.1?

+2 votes
How to determine the mobile operator in Windows Phone 8.1?
posted Mar 12, 2015 by Puhal

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1 Answer

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Previously in WP8.0,To determine mobile operator we are using


string MobileOperatorName=DeviceNetworkInformation.CellularMobileOperator;


public void GetMobileOperatorName()  
            var result = NetworkInformation.GetConnectionProfiles();  
            string CarrierName = "";  
            foreach (var connectionProfile in result)  
                if (connectionProfile.IsWwanConnectionProfile)  
                    foreach (var networkName in connectionProfile.GetNetworkNames())  
                        CarrierName = networkName;//Get mobile operator Name  

Note: You must enabled your data connection.

answer Mar 13, 2015 by Jdk
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