Qualcomm has a strong IPR position in CDMA/WCDMA. However, 3GPP decisions are normally driven by the common business interest of the telecom community in which IPR is accepted as a normal part of life. LTE has performance benefits over WCDMA. The performance simulation results (agreed by consensus) can be downloaded for free from the 3GPP website. In specific cases where decisions will create essential-patent-issues / unfair (expensive) license conditions, 3GPP might avoid specific options.
There are several fora (e.g. NGMN IPR board) where the major telecom IPR stakeholders intend to set common IPR conditions, cross-licensing models and patent pools, creating an IPR regime that's healthy for the telecom industry as a whole. Qualcomm is not an 'average' member, but participates in these fora as a good citizen supporting a healthy ecosystem.
Patent trolls, who have nothing to gain from healthy industry growth and fair pricing, are a more difficult issue.
BTW: with the acquisition of Flarion, Qualcomm acquired a strong OFDM (WiMAX/LTE) portfolio too.