Symmetric Cryptosystems:
The same key is used for both encryption and decryption. The key need to be kept as private key, hence the SC can also be called as private key cryptography. The secure distribution of keys is the major challenge that is associated with symmetric key cryptosystems. Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standards are the algorithms which uses common cryptosystems.
The reliability of security of exchange is based on the security of the symmetric key. A new cipher text can be created by an attacker’s interpretation which uses the symmetric key after reading the cipher text.
Asymmetric Cryptosystems:
Both private key and public key are used in Asymmetric cryptosystems. One key is used for data encryption and another for data decryption. Asymmetric cryptography is used in solving the challenge of secure distribution of the secret keys. Asymmetric cryptography solves the challenge of secure distribution of secret keys. Authentication is another feature of Asymmetric Cryptosystems.