I want my Fedora 22 box to run at a video resolution of 1680x1050.
I added and selected that resolution by doing:
$ xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_60.00" 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync
$ xrandr --addmode VGA-0 1680x1050_60.00
$ xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050_60.00
That worked, but when I reboot the resolution reverts to 1280x1024.
I tried creating file:
and putting in it:
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "VGA-0"
Option "PreferredMode" "1680x1050_60.00"
but that had no effect (perhaps because the resolution was not found after the reboot).
How can I set the resolution to 1680x1050 permanently?