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what is Data Binding in Oracle?

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what is Data Binding in Oracle?
posted Apr 24, 2015 by Kunal Kapoor

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Data Binding

Web application development is very much centered around the integration of dynamic data with the presentation elements on a web page. Unfortunately, there is not a uniform or universal approach to this problem and in fact, there are competing standards and frameworks that all approach this problem differently. The Workshop Studio group of products provide a data-binding engine that understands how to make the data from your application available in your web pages. It does this by tying into the application database and into the extended metadata that is provided through your classes and tag libraries. This information is combined through the Variables view and the Tag Editors to provide intelligence to every editable element on the page. The Workshop Studio group of products allow any attribute of any element in your web page to be bound with dynamic data, and can still make use of framework specific patterns for data binding.

You can bind any attribute of selected elements in the JSP editor using the Property Sheet and the data binding engine will automatically generate the tags which will output the data-bound value to the page. In the case of JSP pages, the IDE will use jsp:getProperty tags and in the case of Struts, the IDE will use bean:write tags. This intelligence is built-in and requires no additional configuration from the developer. The IDE also extends the concept of data binding to deal with localization, and supports binding presentation elements to localized data sets.

answer Apr 24, 2015 by Shivaranjini