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Is there a way to install ALL Python packages?

+1 vote

I'd like to install ALL Python packages on my machine. Even if it takes up 4-5GB, or more, I'd like to get everything, and then use it when I need it. Now, I'd like to import packages, like numpy and pandas, but nothing will install. I figure, if I can just install everything, I can simply use it when I need it, and if I don't need it, then I just won't use it.

I know R offers this as an option. I figure Python must allow it too.

Any idea how to grab everything?

posted Jul 21, 2015 by Deepak Dasgupta

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Since I'm sure there are conflicts between some packages as well as completely broken packages, I suspect this isn't really possible or desirable.

And it won't solve your problem. If you can't get numpy and pandas to install, you may have troubles with "everything" also.

Are you sure you followed the instructions on the page you linked to in your pandas install thread? Seems like you typed "python" in a python prompt instead of your operating system command prompt. I recall telling you about this before. You download the file, put it somewhere, like on your desktop, then open the command prompt window, cd to that directory, and then run "python" from your cmd.exe C: prompt.

answer Jul 21, 2015 by Luv Kumar
+1 vote

I'd like to install ALL Python packages on my machine.

There is no official list of Python packages to upload all of.

Even if it takes up 4-5GB, or more, I'd like to get everything,

There are 10000 packages on Pypi, and perhaps an equal number elsewhere.

and then use it when I need it.

Many are just names or junk that you would never use and do not want on your machine. Many are specialized add-ons to another package. It seems that Python is different from R.
pip can load a list of packages. This is used daily to build machines with Python + a specified list. It would be an interesting project for someone to make, publish, and update a 'sumo' list of the most useful packages that can all be loaded together.

answer Jul 21, 2015 by Deepankar Dubey
0 votes

pip install wget -qO- |html2text

Then figure out if there are any conflicts.

And make sure you stay up-to-date as packages get new versions released.

answer Jul 21, 2015 by Majula Joshi
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