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When does liability to pay GST arises?

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When does liability to pay GST arises?
posted Feb 7, 2018 by Deepak Jangid

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When advance for GOODS or Services are received, or when Invoice for supplies for GOODS or Serbices are raised, or when goods or Services are delivered, the transaction is uploaded on the GSTN by the 9 th of every next month, and if the output taxes are more than input taxes for the present first six months ,( up to December 2017 , taking into account the transition input Taxes on the stock of goods or services held on 30th June 2017 ), the demand notice shall be raised by the GSTN WEBSITE, and all payments to be made by the 20 th of the demand raised month.

answer Feb 9, 2018 by Tanmay
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Hello, I have given a website designing work to a company.
The total project cost is INR 30,000 and it will be executed in 3 phases(10K for each phase). The first phase is completed, I have paid 10,000 + GST (18%) i.e. 1800 for this phase. Then, the company is asking for the whole GST amount although the project is not completed yet, only first phase is done. They are saying that they would need to pay the whole GST amount to Govt. in the beginning.
Moreover, still the invoice is not raised as the project is not completed.

I don’t have any idea about GST, but as per common sense I think they are bluffing. How could they would need to pay taxes for the amount which is not received at their bank account?
