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What is the first bengali movie in Tollywood Industry?

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What is the first bengali movie in Tollywood Industry?
posted Apr 14, 2017 by Arun Angadi

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Dena Paona is the first bengali movie in Tollywood Industry released on 30 December in 1931. This film was directed by Premankur Atorthy, starring Amar Mullick, Durga Das Bannerjee, Jahar Ganguly, Nibhanani Devi and Bhanu Bandyopadhyay. The film explored the ills of the dowry system and touched on the problems of female oppression in 19th century Bengal.

Dena Paona** is the first bengali movie in Tollywood Industry released on 30 December in 1931

answer May 10, 2017 by Divya Nayak