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If you were on the Great Slave Lake where would you be?

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If you were on the Great Slave Lake where would you be?
posted May 23, 2022 by Aastha Joshi

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Near Yellowknife, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada
Great Slave Lake is the second-largest lake in the Northwest Territories, and the deepest in North America (614 metres; 336 fathoms; 2,010 ft). Discovery of gold here in the early 20th century led to the establishment of Yellowknife. Vostok Station lies over Lake Vostok, the largest of Antarctica's known subglacial lakes; Lake Baikal lies between the Irkutsk Oblast and the Buryat Republic and is the world's deepest and oldest lake; Grizzly Bear Mountain stands on the shores of Great Bear Lake.

answer May 24, 2022 by Tapesh Kulkarni