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What were the names of the Titanic's two sister ships which ended with the letters 'ic'?

+2 votes
What were the names of the Titanic's two sister ships which ended with the letters 'ic'?
posted Nov 4, 2016 by Abhishek Maheshwari

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1 Answer

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Britannic and Olympic, both sister ships played significant roles in World War I.

  1. Olympic was the first of the trio of White Star Liners. Under the command of Captain E.J. Smith (who was later to command the Titanic) she sailed on June 14th 1911 on her Maiden voyage to New York.

  2. Britannic started life under the cloud of the Titanic disaster, from the start she was expected to be named "Gigantic" but she was built as Britannic, considered by White Star as a lucky name (the White Star Line had three ships named Britannic over the years - HMHS Britannic was the second).

answer Dec 3, 2016 by Ritika Sharma