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Guess me : Take away my first letter and I am a store. Take away the second and people who look at me adore.............

+4 votes

Take away my first letter and I am a store.
Take away the second and people who look at me adore.
Put all my letters back and read me in reverse if you are able.
I am now cars suspended from an overhead cable.
Take a letter away and I become male sheep.
Did you get it, or did the letters you try to keep?

posted Jun 23, 2016 by Tapesh Kulkarni

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3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

answer is "Smart"

Take away my first letter and I am a store : mart
Take away the second and people who look at me adore : art
Put all my letters back and read me in reverse if you are able.I am now cars suspended from an overhead cable : trams
Take a letter away and I become male sheep : rams

answer Jun 23, 2016 by Smriti
+2 votes


answer Aug 31, 2017 by Thillairajan
+2 votes



answer Oct 26, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana

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